Merchant's Frozen Cloak of the Past

Jewelry Cloak

Item Details

Utility 100
Bonus Level 45
Dyeable Yes
Sellable No
Tradeable Yes


Level Required 50
Usable By
All Classes

Magical Bonuses

Hit Points 30
Acuity 9
Cold Resist 5%
Matter Resist 5%
Energy Resist 5%
All Casting 3
Toa Hit Points Cap 30
Toa Magic Damage 2%
ToA Overcap - Constitution 6
ToA Overcap - Acuity 6

Primary Ability

Omni-Heal Level 50
Charge (30 max)

Secondary Ability

Stun Feedback
Charge (30 max)

Raw Item JSON

  "requirements" : {
    "level_required" : 50
  "sources" : {
    "stores" : [ "Event Items (Realm 0) (ME)" ]
  "bonus_level" : 45,
  "flags" : {
    "no_destroy" : true,
    "dyable" : true,
    "emblemizable" : true,
    "no_sell" : true
  "icon" : 4115,
  "utility" : 100.0,
  "delve_text" : " \nMagical Bonuses:\n- Acuity: 9 pts\n- ALL magic skills: 3 pts\n- Hits: 30 pts\n- Cold: 5%\n- Matter: 5%\n- Energy: 5%\n \nLevel Requirement: 50 Level\n \nBonus to acuity attribute bonus cap: 6\nBonus to Constitution attribute bonus cap: 6\nBonus to hit points bonus cap: 30\nBonus to magic damage: 2%\n \nCharged Magic Ability:\n- 30 Charges\n- 30 Max\n  (Function: omni heal\n\n Heals the target's health, endurance, and power by the listed percentage.\n\n Value: 15%\n Target: Self\n Casting time: instant)\n- This spell is cast when the item is used.\n \nSecondary Charged Magic Item:\n- 30 Charges\n- 30 Max\nFunction: Stun Feedback\n \nAny stun spell cast on the user is blocked. The effect\nwill be dispelled upon blocking a spell.\nDamage: 0\nTarget: Self\nDuration: 10:00 min\nCasting time: instant\n \n- This spell is cast when the item is used.\n \nCan use item every: 12:00 min\n \nCannot be sold to merchants.\nCannot be destroyed.\n \nBonus Level: 45\n",
  "slot" : 6,
  "abilities" : [ {
    "max_charges" : 30,
    "spell" : 3431,
    "magic_type" : 6,
    "power_level" : 50,
    "position" : 1
  }, {
    "max_charges" : 30,
    "spell" : 8710,
    "magic_type" : 6,
    "position" : 2
  } ],
  "artifact" : false,
  "material" : 0,
  "name" : "Merchant's Frozen Cloak of the Past",
  "usable_by" : [ 0 ],
  "realm" : 0,
  "dye_type" : 0,
  "id" : 15252,
  "category" : 5,
  "use_duration" : 720,
  "bonuses" : [ {
    "id" : 10,
    "type" : 28,
    "value" : 6
  }, {
    "id" : 10,
    "type" : 1,
    "value" : 9
  }, {
    "id" : 2,
    "type" : 28,
    "value" : 6
  }, {
    "id" : 303,
    "type" : 2,
    "value" : 3
  }, {
    "type" : 4,
    "value" : 30
  }, {
    "type" : 29,
    "value" : 30
  }, {
    "type" : 9,
    "value" : 2,
    "requirement_id" : 5542
  }, {
    "id" : 12,
    "type" : 5,
    "value" : 5
  }, {
    "id" : 15,
    "type" : 5,
    "value" : 5
  }, {
    "id" : 22,
    "type" : 5,
    "value" : 5
  } ],
  "ability_tags" : [ "fn_omni_heal", "fn_combat_stun_feedback" ]
How is utility calculated?