Cloak of Elemental Buffering

Jewelry Cloak

Item Details

Utility 75
Bonus Level 35
Dyeable Yes
Sellable Yes
Tradeable Yes


Level Required Any
Usable By
All Classes

Magical Bonuses

Hit Points 30
Heat Resist 5%
Cold Resist 5%
Matter Resist 5%
Body Resist 5%
Spirit Resist 5%
Energy Resist 5%
Toa Hit Points Cap 30

Raw Item JSON

  "sell_value" : 37718,
  "sources" : {
    "monsters" : {
      "normal_drop" : [ "Arild" ]
  "bonus_level" : 35,
  "flags" : {
    "dyable" : true,
    "emblemizable" : true
  "icon" : 3789,
  "utility" : 75.0,
  "delve_text" : "Realm: Midgard\n \nMagical Bonuses:\n- Cold: 5%\n- Heat: 5%\n- Matter: 5%\n- Energy: 5%\n- Body: 5%\n- Spirit: 5%\n- Hits: 30 pts\n \nBonus to hit points bonus cap: 30\n \n \nBonus Level: 35\n",
  "slot" : 6,
  "artifact" : false,
  "material" : 0,
  "name" : "Cloak of Elemental Buffering",
  "usable_by" : [ 0 ],
  "realm" : 2,
  "dye_type" : 0,
  "id" : 33348,
  "category" : 5,
  "bonuses" : [ {
    "id" : 12,
    "type" : 5,
    "value" : 5
  }, {
    "id" : 10,
    "type" : 5,
    "value" : 5
  }, {
    "id" : 15,
    "type" : 5,
    "value" : 5
  }, {
    "id" : 22,
    "type" : 5,
    "value" : 5
  }, {
    "id" : 16,
    "type" : 5,
    "value" : 5
  }, {
    "id" : 17,
    "type" : 5,
    "value" : 5
  }, {
    "type" : 4,
    "value" : 30
  }, {
    "type" : 29,
    "value" : 30
  } ],
  "ability_tags" : [ ]
How is utility calculated?