Dragonscale Bracelet

Jewelry Bracer

Item Details

Utility 83.67
Bonus Level 44
Dyeable No
Sellable Yes
Tradeable Yes


Level Required 50
Usable By
All Classes

Magical Bonuses

Strength 22
Hit Points 30
Armor Factor (AF) 10
Slash Resist 7%
All Melee 4
ToA Overcap - Strength 5
Toa Hit Points Cap 30

Primary Ability

Physical Health Buffer Level 50

Raw Item JSON

  "sell_value" : 37719,
  "requirements" : {
    "level_required" : 50
  "bonus_level" : 44,
  "sources" : {
    "monsters" : {
      "normal_drop" : [ "Midgard Dragon Loot Origins - Kill Me" ]
  "flags" : {
    "dyable" : false,
    "emblemizable" : false
  "icon" : 622,
  "utility" : 83.66666666666666,
  "delve_text" : "Realm: Midgard\n \nMagical Bonuses:\n- ALL melee weapon skills: 4 pts\n- Strength: 22 pts\n- Hits: 30 pts\n- Slash: 7%\n \nLevel Requirement: 50 Level\n \nBonus to Strength attribute bonus cap: 5\nBonus to hit points bonus cap: 30\nBonus to armor factor (AF): 10\n \nMagical Ability:\n \nAdds a shield to the recipient which will temporarily absorb some of the damage type specified.\n \nAbsorption: 50%\nValue: 150\nTarget: Self\nDuration: 10:00 min\nCasting time:      3.0 sec\n \n- This spell is cast when the item is used.\n \nCan use item every: 15:00 min\n \n \nBonus Level: 44\n",
  "slot" : 13,
  "abilities" : [ {
    "spell" : 8686,
    "magic_type" : 6,
    "power_level" : 50,
    "position" : 1
  } ],
  "artifact" : false,
  "material" : 4,
  "name" : "Dragonscale Bracelet",
  "usable_by" : [ 0 ],
  "realm" : 2,
  "id" : 46643,
  "category" : 5,
  "use_duration" : 900,
  "bonuses" : [ {
    "id" : 300,
    "type" : 2,
    "value" : 4
  }, {
    "id" : 0,
    "type" : 1,
    "value" : 22
  }, {
    "id" : 0,
    "type" : 28,
    "value" : 5
  }, {
    "type" : 4,
    "value" : 30
  }, {
    "type" : 29,
    "value" : 30
  }, {
    "type" : 22,
    "value" : 10
  }, {
    "id" : 2,
    "type" : 5,
    "value" : 7
  } ],
  "ability_tags" : [ "fn_hit_buffer_physical" ]
How is utility calculated?