Pictish Targe

Shield Small Shield

Item Details

Utility 63.67
Bonus Level 30
Dyeable Yes
Sellable Yes
Tradeable Yes
Damage Info
DPS 16.5
Speed 2.8


Level Required 45
Usable By
All Classes

Magical Bonuses

Dexterity 10
Shield 5
Toa Style Damage 4%
ToA Overcap - Dexterity 6

Primary Ability

Omni-Lifedrain Level 45
Offensive Proc

Secondary Ability

Increase Attack Speed Level 45
Offensive Proc

Raw Item JSON

  "sell_value" : 37718,
  "requirements" : {
    "level_required" : 45
  "type_data" : {
    "dps" : 16.5,
    "shield_size" : 1,
    "speed" : 2.8,
    "clamped_dps" : 16.5
  "bonus_level" : 30,
  "sources" : {
    "monsters" : {
      "normal_drop" : [ "Pictish Warlord ", "Pictish nomad", "Pictish settler", "Pictish scout", "Pictish healer", "Pictish mage", "Pictish protector", "Pictish elemental", "Chieftess Bili", "Chieftain Talorc", "Chieftess Tarla", "Chieftess Fochle", "Chieftain Hudrossig", "Chieftess Brude", "Chieftain Gurthinmoch", "Chieftess Ulyse", "Chieftess Tyrni", "Chieftess Kinet", "Chieftain Tholarg", "Chieftain Celcamoth", "Chieftess Elruche", "Chieftess Onilesi", "Chieftain Cailtram", "Chieftess Selbe", "Chieftain Onuist", "Chieftess Eanfrith ", "Chieftess Destre", "Chieftess Cinaed", "Chieftain Ciniod", "Chieftain Uuirp", "Chieftain Luthren", "Chieftain Munait", "Chieftain Drostan", "Chieftain Kelturan", "Chieftain Oengus", "Chieftain Conall", "Chieftess Ainmolche", "Chieftess Hulchi", "Chieftain Alhred", "Chieftain Cinadhon", "Chieftain Melcho", "Chieftain Giric", "Chieftain Foth", "Chieftain Bargoit" ]
  "flags" : {
    "dyable" : true,
    "emblemizable" : true
  "icon" : 1104,
  "utility" : 63.666666666666664,
  "delve_text" : "Realm: Hibernia\n \nMagical Bonuses:\n- Shield: 5 pts\n- Dexterity: 10 pts\n \nLevel Requirement: 45 Level\n \nBonus to Dexterity attribute bonus cap: 6\nBonus to style damage: 4%\n \nMagical Ability:\nFunction: omni-lifedrain\n \nDamages the target. A portion of damage is returned to the caster as health, power, and endurance.\n \nDamage: 100\nHealth returned: 100% of damage dealt\nPower returned: 60% of damage dealt\nEndurance returned: 40% of damage dealt\nTarget: Targeted\nRange: 1350\nCasting time: instant\nDamage: Body\n \n- Spell has a chance of casting when this weapon strikes an enemy.\n \nSecondary Magical Ability:\nFunction: increase attack speed\n \nIncreases the target's melee attack speed.\n \nValue: 25%\nTarget: Self\nDuration: 1:00 min\nCasting time: instant\n \n- Spell has a chance of casting when this weapon strikes an enemy.\n \nDamage Modifiers (when used with shield styles):\n- 16.5 Base DPS\n- 2.8 Shield Speed\n \n \nBonus Level: 30\n",
  "abilities" : [ {
    "spell" : 2093,
    "magic_type" : 1,
    "power_level" : 45,
    "position" : 1
  }, {
    "spell" : 2096,
    "magic_type" : 1,
    "power_level" : 45,
    "position" : 2
  } ],
  "salvage_amount" : 15,
  "artifact" : false,
  "material" : 67,
  "name" : "Pictish Targe",
  "usable_by" : [ 0 ],
  "realm" : 3,
  "dye_type" : 0,
  "id" : 52748,
  "category" : 3,
  "bonuses" : [ {
    "id" : 43,
    "type" : 2,
    "value" : 5
  }, {
    "id" : 1,
    "type" : 1,
    "value" : 10
  }, {
    "id" : 1,
    "type" : 28,
    "value" : 6
  }, {
    "type" : 10,
    "value" : 4,
    "requirement_id" : 5542
  } ],
  "ability_tags" : [ "fn_olifedrain", "fn_haste_increase_attack_speed" ]
How is utility calculated?