"type_data" : {
"absorption" : 19,
"base_quality" : 100,
"clamped_armor_factor" : 102,
"armor_factor" : 102
"sources" : {
"quests" : [ "Enyalios Boots" ]
"bonus_level" : 24,
"flags" : {
"dyable" : true,
"no_sell" : true,
"emblemizable" : false,
"no_drop" : true,
"no_trade" : true
"icon" : 2488,
"utility" : 70.0,
"delve_text" : "Realm: Midgard\n \nArtifact\n (Earns exp: Slaying enemies and monsters found anywhere.)\n \nMagical Bonuses:\n- Dexterity: 15 pts\n- Hits: 40 pts\n- [L6]: Body: 5%\n \n[L1]: Bonus to Constitution attribute bonus cap: 5\n[L2]: Bonus to Dexterity attribute bonus cap: 5\n[L4]: Bonus to hit points bonus cap: 40\n[L8]: Bonus to armor factor (AF): 10\n \n[L5]: Magical Ability:\nEffect: Disoriented\n \nTarget is disoriented. They have less chance of landing melee attacks, and spells have a greater chance of affecting them. \n \nMelee to-hit penalty: 20%\n \nTarget: Targeted\nRange: 350\nDuration: 15 sec\nCasting time: instant\nDamage: Spirit\n \n- Spell has a chance of casting when this armor is hit by an enemy.\n \n[L10]: Secondary Magical Ability:\nFunction: speed enhancement\n \nThe movement speed of the target is increased.\n \nDamage: 0\nTarget: Self\nDuration: 10:00 min\nCasting time: instant\nDamage: Body\n \n- This spell is cast when the item is used.\n \nArmor Modifiers:\n- 102 Base Factor\n- 19% Absorption\n- 100% Quality / 70% Condition\n \n- Effective Armor: 88 Factor\n \nCan use item every: 15:00 min\n \nCannot be dropped.\nCannot be traded to other players.\nCannot be sold to merchants.\n \nBonus Level: 24\n",
"slot" : 3,
"abilities" : [ {
"spell" : 8756,
"magic_type" : 2,
"power_level" : 45,
"position" : 1,
"level_required" : 5
}, {
"spell" : 6930,
"magic_type" : 6,
"power_level" : 45,
"position" : 2,
"level_required" : 10
} ],
"artifact" : true,
"material" : 69,
"name" : "Enyalios Boots",
"usable_by" : [ 0 ],
"realm" : 2,
"dye_type" : 0,
"id" : 55370,
"category" : 2,
"use_duration" : 900,
"bonuses" : [ {
"id" : 1,
"type" : 1,
"value" : 15
}, {
"type" : 4,
"value" : 40
}, {
"level_required" : 1,
"id" : 2,
"type" : 28,
"value" : 5
}, {
"level_required" : 2,
"id" : 1,
"type" : 28,
"value" : 5
}, {
"level_required" : 4,
"type" : 29,
"value" : 40
}, {
"level_required" : 6,
"id" : 16,
"type" : 5,
"value" : 5
}, {
"level_required" : 8,
"type" : 22,
"value" : 10
} ],
"ability_tags" : [ "fn_combat_speed_enhancement", "fn_ndisorient" ],
"artifact_pre_leveled" : false