Staff of the God

Artifact Weapon Staff Two Handed

Item Details

Utility 60
Bonus Level 21
Dyeable Yes
Sellable No
Tradeable No
Damage Info
DPS 16.5
Speed 4.1
Base Quality 100%


Level Required Any
Usable By
All Classes

Magical Bonuses

Armor Factor (AF) 10
Spirit Resist 5%
Energy Resist 5%
Toa Heal Bonus 5%
ToA Overcap - Dexterity 5
ToA Overcap - Acuity 5

Primary Ability

Tempest Level 45

Secondary Ability

Stealth Lore Level 45

Raw Item JSON

  "type_data" : {
    "damage_type" : 1,
    "left_handed" : 0,
    "dps" : 16.5,
    "base_quality" : 100,
    "two_handed" : 1,
    "skill_used" : 47,
    "clamped_dps" : 16.5,
    "speed" : 4.1
  "sources" : {
    "quests" : [ "Staff of the God" ]
  "bonus_level" : 21,
  "flags" : {
    "dyable" : true,
    "no_sell" : true,
    "emblemizable" : false,
    "no_drop" : true,
    "no_trade" : true
  "icon" : 2467,
  "utility" : 60.0,
  "delve_text" : "Realm: Albion\n \nArtifact\n  (Earns exp: Slaying enemies and monsters found anywhere.)\n \nMagical Bonuses:\n- [L7]: Energy: 5%\n- [L7]: Spirit: 5%\n \nBonus to armor factor (AF): 10\n[L1]: Bonus to acuity attribute bonus cap: 5\n[L3]: Bonus to Dexterity attribute bonus cap: 5\n[L9]: Bonus to healing effectiveness: 5%\n \n[L5]: Magical Ability:\nEffect: Tempest\n \nTarget is snared, and their combat accuracy is impaired. Unlike other snares, this snare cannot be broken by being struck in battle.\n \nMovement penalty: 25%\nAccuracy penalty: 10%\n \nTarget: Targeted\nRange: 1500\nDuration: 30 sec\nCasting time: instant\nRadius: 700\nDamage: Body\n \n- This spell is cast when the item is used.\n \n[L10]: Secondary Magical Ability:\nEffect: Stealth Lore\n \nTarget has a greater chance of uncovering stealthed opponents. If the target has the Stealth skill, their ability to remain hidden is greater as well.\n \nCoexists, but does not stack with other stealth bonus types. The greater value will always be used if two similar spells are active.\n \nStealth bonus: 35\nTarget: Self\nDuration: 1:30 min\nCasting time: instant\n \n- This spell is cast when the item is used.\n \nDamage Modifiers:\n- 16.5 Base DPS\n- 4.1 Weapon Speed\n- 100% Quality / 70% Condition\n- Damage Type: Crush\n \n- Effective Damage: 11.6 DPS\n \nCan use item every: 15:00 min\n \nCannot be dropped.\nCannot be traded to other players.\nCannot be sold to merchants.\n \nBonus Level: 21\n",
  "abilities" : [ {
    "spell" : 8707,
    "magic_type" : 6,
    "power_level" : 45,
    "position" : 1,
    "level_required" : 5
  }, {
    "spell" : 6952,
    "magic_type" : 6,
    "power_level" : 45,
    "position" : 2,
    "level_required" : 10
  } ],
  "artifact" : true,
  "material" : 71,
  "name" : "Staff of the God",
  "usable_by" : [ 0 ],
  "realm" : 1,
  "dye_type" : 0,
  "id" : 55429,
  "category" : 1,
  "use_duration" : 900,
  "bonuses" : [ {
    "type" : 22,
    "value" : 10
  }, {
    "level_required" : 1,
    "id" : 10,
    "type" : 28,
    "value" : 5
  }, {
    "level_required" : 3,
    "id" : 1,
    "type" : 28,
    "value" : 5
  }, {
    "level_required" : 7,
    "id" : 22,
    "type" : 5,
    "value" : 5
  }, {
    "level_required" : 7,
    "id" : 17,
    "type" : 5,
    "value" : 5
  }, {
    "level_required" : 9,
    "type" : 16,
    "value" : 5
  } ],
  "ability_tags" : [ "fn_tempest", "fn_nhidden_stealth_lore" ],
  "artifact_pre_leveled" : false
How is utility calculated?