Spear of Kings

Artifact Weapon Two Handed Two Handed

Item Details

Utility 93
Bonus Level 23
Dyeable Yes
Sellable No
Tradeable No
Damage Info
DPS 16.5
Speed 5.6
Base Quality 100%


Level Required Any
Usable By
All Classes

Magical Bonuses

Crush Resist 4%
Slash Resist 4%
Thrust Resist 4%
Matter Resist 4%
Body Resist 4%
Spirit Resist 4%
Toa Fatigue 5
Toa Hit Points Cap 40
Toa Melee Speed 5%

Primary Ability

Style Damage Shield Level 45
Offensive Proc

Secondary Ability

Boon Of Kings Level 45

Raw Item JSON

  "type_data" : {
    "damage_type" : 2,
    "left_handed" : 0,
    "dps" : 16.5,
    "base_quality" : 100,
    "two_handed" : 1,
    "skill_used" : 65,
    "clamped_dps" : 16.5,
    "speed" : 5.6
  "sources" : {
    "quests" : [ "Spear of Kings" ]
  "bonus_level" : 23,
  "flags" : {
    "dyable" : true,
    "no_sell" : true,
    "emblemizable" : false,
    "no_drop" : true,
    "no_trade" : true
  "icon" : 1661,
  "utility" : 93.0,
  "delve_text" : "Realm: Albion\n \nArtifact\n  (Earns exp: Slaying enemies and monsters found anywhere.)\n \nMagical Bonuses:\n- Crush: 4%\n- Slash: 4%\n- Thrust: 4%\n- [L1]: Matter: 4%\n- [L2]: Body: 4%\n- [L3]: Spirit: 4%\n- [L6]: Fatigue: 5 pts\n \n[L7]: Bonus to hit points bonus cap: 40\n[L8]: Bonus to melee combat speed: 5%\n \n[L4]: Magical Ability:\nFunction: style damage shield\n \nReduces the amount of damage the target takes from melee combat styles.\n \nValue: 50%\nTarget: Self\nDuration: 1:00 min\nCasting time: instant\n \n- Spell has a chance of casting when this weapon strikes an enemy.\n \n[L10]: Secondary Magical Ability:\nFunction: Boon of Kings\n \nTarget has improved armor and health for this spell's duration. \n \nBonus: 5%\n \nTarget: Realm\nDuration: 5 sec\nFrequency:      4.5 sec\nCasting time: instant\nRadius: 1500\n \n- This spell is cast when the item is used.\n \nDamage Modifiers:\n- 16.5 Base DPS\n- 5.6 Weapon Speed\n- 100% Quality / 70% Condition\n- Damage Type: Slash\n \n- Effective Damage: 11.6 DPS\n \nCan use item every: 15:00 min\n \nCannot be dropped.\nCannot be traded to other players.\nCannot be sold to merchants.\n \nBonus Level: 23\n",
  "abilities" : [ {
    "spell" : 6958,
    "magic_type" : 1,
    "power_level" : 45,
    "position" : 1,
    "level_required" : 4
  }, {
    "spell" : 6968,
    "magic_type" : 6,
    "power_level" : 45,
    "position" : 2,
    "level_required" : 10
  } ],
  "artifact" : true,
  "material" : 69,
  "name" : "Spear of Kings",
  "usable_by" : [ 0 ],
  "realm" : 1,
  "dye_type" : 0,
  "id" : 55469,
  "category" : 1,
  "use_duration" : 900,
  "bonuses" : [ {
    "id" : 1,
    "type" : 5,
    "value" : 4
  }, {
    "id" : 2,
    "type" : 5,
    "value" : 4
  }, {
    "id" : 3,
    "type" : 5,
    "value" : 4
  }, {
    "level_required" : 1,
    "id" : 15,
    "type" : 5,
    "value" : 4
  }, {
    "level_required" : 2,
    "id" : 16,
    "type" : 5,
    "value" : 4
  }, {
    "level_required" : 3,
    "id" : 17,
    "type" : 5,
    "value" : 4
  }, {
    "level_required" : 6,
    "type" : 17,
    "value" : 5
  }, {
    "level_required" : 7,
    "type" : 29,
    "value" : 40
  }, {
    "level_required" : 8,
    "type" : 19,
    "value" : 5
  } ],
  "ability_tags" : [ "fn_af_hit", "fn_nstyle" ],
  "artifact_pre_leveled" : false
How is utility calculated?